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Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Advice For Today

 How To Become A Millionaire Fast 

"Who Wants To Know How To Become A Millionaire In A Year!"
These are the common statements you will find in most websites or perhaps headlines in some financial books or magazines. Most of the time they are merely eye catching titles made to draw your attention. This is due to the fact that we as humans crave increase and discovering how to become a millionaire is something exciting.
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects in your adventure to discovering in detail how to become a millionaire in a year or less is this. There is too much information out there trying to feed you rudimentary steps on how to become a millionaire. I have found out that indeed there are 3 "Untold Secrets" that the average millionaire has:
Secret #1: The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind
If you have been an avid reader on topics relating to how to become a millionaire and millionaire insider secrets probably you have come across Mr. Thomas J. Stanley. I particular like his books because he is a student of factual statistics.
The point is, you should read books authored by people who have made actual life accounts on how to become a millionaire or interviews made with actual millionaires. Then, try not to think too much about the millionaire lifestyle but about how they think. Get inside the millionaire mind.
Secret #2: Think Like A Millionaire, Act Like One
It is really easy to think like a millionaire before you read about how to become a millionaire. Yes, you may not have that much cash reserves in your bank account but the state of the millionaire beginnings is in your mind. Here are few exercises you can do:
A) Imagine that you are living the life of your dreams. What kind of car, house or material things you want? Then, write them down or cut up your local newspaper pieces to paste on your fridge door, etc.
B) Make the most time for your family. Ensure that whatever you do at work or in your business put your family in the top priority. Good emotional support begins from home and that is your foundation on how to become a millionaire in a short time.
C) Act like a millionaire. One day you walk into a store and see your favourite jacket. Don't say "It is expensive". Instead practice by saying "how can I earn some extra cash to afford it?". This is the beginning of your creative thoughts on learning how to become a millionaire.
Secret #3: How To Become A Millionaire Fast
Apart from telling you what to do to be a millionaire, you must first understand the principal behind the millionaires that already exists today. They don't sleep in a better bed or have a happier family than you.
While poverty isn't good for the soul as well you should pay attention here. The world has an abundance of wealth to be made over the Internet. This can be achieved by generating lots of business by the minutes even while you sleep. Books written on how to become a millionaire usually will not tell you in detail but it's true.
Actually, the authors who tell you how to become a millionaire will always say it is a state of mind. Your mission is to sift through the junk information and gather a journal of useful points to start your journey on how to become a millionaire.
On a personal note, I believe you have a great potential to become a millionaire. The only thing you need to do is take the secrets above that shows you the first step in how to become a millionaire and apply it. Develop a millionaire mind for your financial future.
About The Author:
This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.
Vern How has been earning online back in June 2006. He is a professional affiliate marketer who believes in giving back by helping others. To find out how Vern can help you work from home go to... Simple Riches [http://www.simple-riches.com]
For more information on a perfect wealth formula to profiting massively on the Internet, just check out How To Become A Millionaire In Less Than A Year [http://www.simple-riches.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/712480

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Start Your Small Business In The Middle East

After the crisis in the Middle-east people in Egypt,Tunisia,Syria, Yemen and Especially Libya are suffering from the lack of money even rich people there can't get their own money from banks and if they could that will be small amount .No jobs and everything in their life got more expensive .
in this hard situation for everyone if somebody has money he'd rather save it and spend it gradually than using this amount to start small business.But I'll say that is wrong way to solve your problems and to face life difficulties.In my opinion you can create thing from nothing and if you will believe in that I'm sure you will do it .
we'll talk about some solutions for that kind of problems like Middle-East crisis.
* People in Libya travel everyday to Tunisia or Egypt specially during the crisis so this small business might start from this point ( treading between Libya and Tunisia or between Libya and Egypt ) and I'm here talking about small business that you can develop it easily without to lose a penny .Just think what Libyan people need and you will find it in Tunisia or something Libyans have it and Tunisians in need of it .You go everyday to Tunisia or Egypt so try to deal with traders there.Even the profits weren't too much but you still have the money plus profits .
Just be positive and don't let anything or any problems disappoint you 
* Think about how much you have and what would you prefer ( save your money and spend it gradually or start a small business with it .( It is your choice ) 

* Have the motivations to do what you want to do even if it is hard but you will do it .
* Ask yourself what i can do with this small amount of money ( The main idea) and how long time this step will take ...
I am sure if you will have the motivation you will achieve your goal .
The important thing you will not lose any thing and you will find something to do in this hard time .

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learn from others

Yes we learn from others experiments not only from ours, so please read and focus on the important 3 points in this story :
William is 10 years old , he decided to buy a bicycle costs $ 70 but he doesn't have the money for that.
His ( goal ) was buying a bicycle then he thought about how to get the money to buy it ( the idea ) for achieving his goal . William had two ideas whether he ask her dad to buy it for him or save every day 50 cents so he will have $ 70 after six months then he can buy the bicycle that he wants from his own money .The important thing in Williams story that he know his goal and how to achieve it . In addition to the two points he has the motivation to achieve his goal . We learning from him that .
We can create things from nothing. Lack of the money will not prevent us to do what we want to do or what we love to have . our problems is not about the money , it is about how we think to be in the right place
We have to know our goal , how we will achieve it and to have the motivation to reach it .

Monday, September 19, 2011

The World's Billionaires

* Carlos Salim Helu the world's richest person for the year 2011 ,from Mexico , 71 years old and his net worth is 74 B untill 2011 his philosophy in life to buy companies with cheap prices and manage it in smart way .

Bill Gates from USA , he is 55 years old and his net worth is 56 B until 2011.When he was 14 established a programming company ..

* Warren Buffett  from USA , 81 years old , his net worth is 50 B .
All these Billionaires weren't rich but they struggled and struggled to reach their goals and as we all know Bill Gates started his path when he was only 14 years old and he became a millionaire when he was 31 years old .
We have to learn from these people how to create things from nothing how to resist to be what we want to be .
Believe me it is easy just read about rich people, think as they think and feel as they feel and act as they act . read about them and educate yourself you will get something between lines .

Friday, September 16, 2011

Improve your skill to reach your goal

To start your business you have to focus on your talents or your major you might find the idea for the new business .
for example if your major is computer science so it might be good idea to start your business working on the internet from home especially now lots of people like to do that , and here I will mention different kind of jobs on the internet :
Inside Sales-Interent Biometric Security Job
Interent Advertising Account Executive Job
Webcam Performers and Interent Modeling Jobs 
Interent Architect 
Interent Marketing Sales Job
whatever your major is ,you will find what you want to do and what you like to do. It will be the beginning .
Don't forget that everyone can do the same work but not all of them can improve it or add something new or even be as  successful as you  .And you can focus on your skills or improve it to start your business but how you can do that . You can take an internet training , computer training or business training atc.... . 
check google advertisements on my blog and you will find many schools in USA for that kind of training and different subjects and i am sure it will be helpful . 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tips to start your own business

If you will keep complaining that you don't have enough money to start your own business that means you will never start .
To start your business don't talk or think about the circumstances , just be sure you have a goal and you will reach it .
Three tips will help you to start in the right way. First of all :
*( The motivation ) without it you will stay at the same point .
* (The goals ) you should know your goal and what do you want to do and when you will start .
* ( the methods )  after you set your goal and after you know when will be the right time to start , you should know how you will start .
for example :
If you decided to buy a car ( the goal ) after one year  and it costs 5000 $ , so now you know your goal and when you will reach it . Now you will need to know how you will buy this car if you dont have money for that ( the methods ) you will think about two choices ( get a loan ) ( saving 500 $ every month from your salary and after one year you can get the car . Which choice you will choose .
it depends on how you think about life and money . You can get what you want without to be in debt .
Finally ,everybody can get and do what he/she want to do if they just thought about the above three things and wrote it down to create and add more ideas might help them to start .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Earn money with google adsense

It is easy to get money from google adsense , you just need to do three things , First of all to have your own website or blogger  and to write about onlly one subject , we can say you will write about cars , beauty or sport . Start your blogger for free from www.blogger.com , you just will sign up and follow the instruction on this link then when your blogger be ready you will need to fill out google adsenes applications .Be sure all your information are correct , after 2 days or more you will receive a message from google then you will know if they approved you or not .
after that you put google ads on your blog or website and the ads will be about the same subject on your blog , if your subject about cars so goolge will show ads about cars company on your blog .
Now it is time to know how to earn money . When people visit your website or blogger they will click on the ads by google you will get money for every click and you will get money for the impression on your web .
be petient you will not get the money from the first day , it will take time . you have to choose good subject .
next time i will write about how to open your own blog or website and what you should do .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There are different methods and ideas to get money and to start your own business. when we talk about how to start your own business actually we mean the money that you will get from this business .Working on the internet will help you to find many things to do and to earn money without to lose one penny, you just need to spend 6 to 10 hours a day  in the beginning then after that you will need to work only 2 hours on your computer .
one of those ways is google adsense .People from all over the world got too much money from google adsnense,some of them started with 3000 $ in the first month  and others got 5000$.
so it deserves to give it try you will not lose anything , no body doesnt know the most popular engine google .You will work from home without to lose money or waste your time, it just needs some petience from you and you will be successful .

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year In New York

A million of people from all over the world
travel every year to New York City not only
from the US and celebrate the new
year Eve in The Time squar,different cultures different
religions . It is the amazing event .

posted by Nihal Manaei Dec 31 , 2010